PPRD South Workshop on “Disaster Risk Reduction: Mechanisms and Methodologies in Civil Protection”

On 10 and 11 February, high-level decision-makers from the Civil Protection Authorities of the 14 Mediterranean and Balkan partner countries ...

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More than 50 experts and stakeholders from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and beyond will gather in Banja Luka on 4 and 5 February to discuss how t...

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Statement by Mr. Olli Rehn, European Commissioner for Enlargement

“The European Commission deeply regrets that the House of Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina did not adopt the Law on the Census of Popu...

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Public call for civil society organisations by the Cidi project

The Cidi project (Capacity building of civil society to take part in policy dialogue, Bosnia and Herzegovina) is financed by the European Union (...

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Official launch of the project „Improving the Development and Capacity of Social Dialogue and Social Partners in BiH“

The one-year project “Improving the Development and Capacity of Social Dialogue and Social Partners in BiH“ whi...

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1.2 million EUR to support democracy and human rights development in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Through its EIDHR (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights) program, the European Union provided 1.2 million EUR for 13 new projects s...

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Another successful project for mine victims financed by the European Union

As a part of the project “Integrated Landmine Survivor Assistance in Mine-Affected Returnee Communities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina”, t...

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Closing ceremony of the project “Rehabilitation of the Cantonal and Municipal Courts building in Sarajevo”

The closing ceremony on the occasion of completion of the reconstruction of the Palace of Justice, Sarajevo Cantonal and Sarajevo Municipal Court...

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Meeting with the students of the European Regional Master’s Degree in Democracy and Human Rights

The EU legal framework in the area of human rights, the news introduced by the Lisbon Treaty, BiH’s priorities in the area of human rights and ...

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EU launches 2010 European Year: Stop poverty now!

The European Commission and the Spanish Presidency of the EU launched the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. Under th...

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