World Tourism Day: Perspectives and Challenges of Tourism Sector development in BiH

On the occasion of the World Tourism Day, 28 September the Round table on „Perspectives and Challenges of the Tourism Sector development in Bos...

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Promocija EU Info centara u Bosni i Hercegovini

„Evropski put – siguran put“ moto je manifestacije koja je održana 25. septembra na trgu ispred sarajevske Katedrale u sklopu promocije EU...

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Promotion of the EU Info Centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina

„European Way – Safe Way“ was the slogan of the event which took place on 25 September 2009 in front of the Sarajevo Cathedral, promoting E...

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Erasmus Mundus 2009.-2013.

Erasmus Mundus je program saradnje i mobilnosti u oblasti visokog obrazovanja koji ima za cilj da poboljša kvalitet evropskog visokog obrazovanj...

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Evropski parlament odobrio ponovno imenovanje Jose Manuela Barrrosa za predsjednika Evropske komisije

Evropski parlament je odobrio ponovno imenovanje Jose Manuela Barrrosa za predsjednika Evropske komisije.  To će Barrosu biti drugi petogod...

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Predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja “Socijalno isključeni danas, a sutra?”

U zgradi Delegacije Evropske komisije u Bosni i Hercegovini  u Sarajevu 17. septembra prezentiran je uspješan završetak ...

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Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013

Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education that aims to enhance the quality of European higher educa...

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Results of the research “Socially excluded today. What about tomorrow?” presented in Sarajevo

The first phase of the EU funded project "Social inclusion and integration towards active civil society" was presented on 17 S...

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The European Parliament has approved the re-appointment of José Manuel Barroso as President of the European Commission

The European Parliament has approved the re-appointment of José Manuel Barroso as President of the European Commission....

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European Commission overhauls its website for developing countries’ exporters

The Export Helpdesk has recently launched its revamped website to facilitate market access from developing countries to the EU.

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