#NeVjerujNaPrvuproject presents digital educational platform tackling disinformation

During the presentation, the project team also presented the brochure “Content Verification for Beginners: how to verify accuracy of online inf...

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Photo-forensics and needles in a haystack

Each of us has heard a well-known formula according to which a picture is worth a thousand words. However, in the era of Photoshop, it seems appr...

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Manipulative statistics and pseudoscience

Common sense is our strongest ally when it comes to combating disinformation, but we should be particularly careful with data since numbers, quot...

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How disinformation manages our emotions

Fake news factories are also factories of emotions, in which our feelings, through simple technology, are converted into dollars and euros, or ev...

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Click-baits as a way to manipulate and earn quick money

Click-baits are bombastic headlines with purpose to “bait” the attention of the audience, but have no grounds in the text, as they promise a ...

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‘Scandalous’ headlines a source of profit for unprofessional portals

One of the prerequisites of good and professional online media is their openness about their ownership, editorial staff and authors of the conten...

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The first EU media workshop on digital tools for credible reporting held in Bijeljina

“Digital technologies are advancing every day and it seems almost impossible to keep track with these changes. Individuals committed to manipul...

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