A hundred of “Tickets for employment in agriculture” in Petrovac

Sixty best participants will further receive grants that will enable them to start their own production of cereals.

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Call for Expression of Interest for: Engagement of Experts for Capacity Building of Potential Applicants and Grants Beneficiaries

The Directorate for European Integration of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (DEI) and the Ministry of...

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Press Release on the 2nd SAA Subcommittee on Innovation, Information, Society and Social Policy

The Commission regretted that BiH legislation has not been aligned with the EU acquis in the area of electronic communication in the timeframe es...

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Working together to help Roma in BiH

We all need to work together for Roma integration. If we dream alone it is just a dream but if we dream together it is the start of new reality.

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Young cyber detectives fighting violence

During six weeks in December 2017, 850 teenagers from primary and high schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina took part in online quiz "Be a Cyber-det...

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EU membership: Big advantage for small countries

The participants pointed to corruption and social injustice as the main obstacles for young people to find jobs, pushing some of them to leave th...

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BiH needs media with transparent ownership

Journalists, editors, media owners and other media stakeholders advocate for transparent media ownership and financing and advertising segment re...

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EU provides equipment to strengthen emergency response in BiH

A joint exercise of Protection and Rescue Unit of Brčko District of BiH and Civil Protection Unit of Brod Municipality was held during the hando...

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BiH joins 15 Mediterranean countries under EU strategy for safeguarding Mediterranean fisheries

This Declaration represents a practical example of EU's neighbourhood policy, and has so far been signed by 15 northern and southern Mediterranea...

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