Reunited after 25 years thanks to EU assistance

Tears were streaming down the faces of Tuzla citizens, but this time they were tears of joy...

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The EU leads dialogue on a better future for workers and businesses in BiH

Under the auspices of the project "Support to Social Partners in Social Dialogue" funded by the European Union (EU) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bi...

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E4U: Students from Bihać vote with ‘likes’ for staying in BiH

Ambassador Wigemark emphasised that young people are the biggest resource of BiH and that they must become its driving force...

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Ambassador Wigemark officially opens Basic and District Court in Banja Luka

"This is just an infrastructure, and now it needs to be filled with content, and that is the job of the judiciary," Ambassador Wigemark emphasised...

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Students of Economics Faculty and Arts Academy in Banja Luka host Ambassador Wigemark

Ambassador Wigemark was thrilled to see that when asked whether they wanted to stay in the country after completing their studies, a majority of ...

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Western Balkans Fund launches 1st call for regional projects

The Call will be open until 22 December, with the overall budget of EUR 230,000...

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Commissioner Hahn in BiH: Concrete results the only way forward

Commissioner Hahn noted that the only way to move forward in the EU integration process is to achieve concrete results on reforms...

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Ambassador Wigemark: Civil society organisations are the bridge between citizens and government

A Charter on Cooperation between the BiH Council of Ministers and more than 70 civil society representatives in BiH has been signed, as part of a...

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