With EU support, an analysis and projections of the labour market in Republika Srpska were presented in Banja Luka

With the technical support of the European Union (EU) funded project “Support to Social Partners in Social Dialogue” in Bosnia and Herzegovin...

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Ministerial Meeting in the framework of the Structured Dialogue on Justice

The meeting discussed an EU Member States experts proposal for the new Law on BiH Courts that would ensure legal certainty and effective function...

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EU supported opening of the Center for Better Society in Glamoč

The ceremony was attended by the representatives of Caritas of Banja Luka Diocese, religious leaders, representatives of municipal and county aut...

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EU Support to Mine Action: Reducing risk and supporting landmine victims in BiH

On 11 July 2017 the EU awarded two contracts for the total value of € 700.000 to be implemented in two years in the municipalities of Konjic, L...

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EU STAR – EU Project on Stockpile Management Technical Support and Ammunition Surplus Reduction kicks off

The project will enable destruction of 3,000 tonnes of unstable ammunition in specialised domestic and international demilitarisation plants...

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