Final Presentation of “CB-GREEN; Cross-Border-Green, Renewable and Energy Efficiency Network” Project Held

The goal of the project was to protect and preserve environment, and encourage the use of sustainable sources of energy ...

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EU awards 3 million euros in grants for local economic development and employment in BiH

Speaking about the EU support in creating new jobs and better living conditions for BiH citizens, Ambassador Wigemark underlined the connection b...

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“Alliance for EU integration”: a platform for civil society participation in BiH’s EU integration process

Through this initiative it is expected that an open and inclusive mechanism would be created for public participation in...

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Op-ed by Ambassador Wigemark on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties

The future of BiH is undoubtedly in the European Union, and we will continue to work with the authorities...

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EU-funded project to eradicate animal disease in Bosnia and Herzegovina completed

The project has supported the veterinary sector in BiH and contributed to the effective implementation of measures and control of rabies and bruc...

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CBC Serbia – BiH: EU continues assisting development of cross-border regions

The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina has brought financial support to the border region of the two countries in t...

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EU offers way forward in BiH, Chargé d’Affaires Sinno tells Rose-Roth seminar

The seminar entitled "The Western Balkans: Transition Challenges, European Aspirations and Links to the MENA Region" brought together over 170 pa...

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Inclusive and sustainable Europe a priority of the upcoming Estonian presidency of the EU Council

Deputy Minister Maasikas introduced the four main priorities of the Estonian presidency: open and innovative European economy, safe and secure Eu...

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EU Delegation to BiH, SIDA and USAID welcome the beginning of the work on the country-wide rural development strategic plan

The adoption of the comprehensive, country-wide strategy agriculture and rural development strategy is a long pending re...

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