EU reconstructs sewerage network, improves quality of life for Bijeljina citizens

Until 2007, Bijeljina did not have a sewerage system and the waste water services were limited to communal and individual septic tanks. This situ...

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Show EBRD your green #EBRDcity

The EBRD now invites you to share your photos showing how green your city is and how you personally make your city green.

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EU provides housing for Roma families in Kakanj under the Roma Action II project

The project aims at supporting the implementation of the revised Roma Action Plans in BiH 2013-2016 by improving living conditions and social inc...

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Commissioner Hahn: EU connects the Western Balkans to deliver benefits for citizens and businesses

As part of the Connectivity Agenda, Bosnia and Herzegovina embarked on an ambitious motorway construction programme, including along Corridor Vc ...

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Joint Statement – Western Balkans Six Prime Ministers meeting

Sincere devotion to the process of reconciliation is essential for the stability of our region. At this moment in particular, we reaffirm our str...

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Speech by Johannes Hahn at the Western Balkans Six Leaders’ Summit

My main message to you today is: use this rare window of opportunity, as individual countries, but also as a region....

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Commissioner Hahn in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Western Balkans Six Leaders’ summit and to take stock of the country’s reform path toward the EU

At the summit (16 March), the Commissioner will discuss with leaders economic and political perspectives for the Western...

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2017 EU Investigative Journalism Award: Open call launched in BiH

The EU award for investigative journalism aims at celebrating and promoting outstanding achievements of investigative journalists and improving t...

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EU launches Investigative journalism award

Investigative stories reporting on societal issues related to abuse of power and violation of fundamental rights, corruption and organized crime ...

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EU project presents ‘Women entrepreneurs for the future’

The project supported the competitiveness of SMEs from the food production sector and agriculture cooperatives in four target municipalities, Vla...

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