European experiences in countering organised crime, corruption and terrorism

Foreign experts from the General Police Directorate of Slovenia and the Anti-mafia National Directorate of Italy presented successful internation...

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EU project contributes to systemic solution for psychological support to police officers

Having in mind that except for Brčko District Police there is no organised form of psychological assistance in police institutions in BiH, the E...

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Federica Mogherini met with leaders of political parties in BiH

The EU as well as the political leaders confirmed the full commitment to the country's reform agenda and the strategic importance of its path tow...

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HR/VP Mogherini in BiH: Strategically important that BiH continues on its path towards joining the EU

Mogherini recognised the country is faced with challenges, but reiterated her confidence that the leadership of BiH has the capacity, the wisdom ...

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Speech by Ambassador Wigemark, on behalf of HRVP Mogherini, to BiH students

What we need is to build new spaces for cooperation and coexistence. Spaces where there is no contradiction between ethnic rights for everyone, a...

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“Leading the Western Balkans inside the European Union”: Op-ed article by HRVP Federica Mogherini

The Balkans are part of Europe and have always been: no political boundary can change this geographic, historic and cultural reality. The people ...

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Ambassador Wigemark welcomes today’s holding of the Council of Ministers’ session

The country's citizens expect more jobs, enhanced economic opportunities and a better future for them and their children. This requires a high le...

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BiH products can be competitive in the European market

Sectoral strategy is important not only to meet the requirements of the EU but also to support agricultural producers, which is why the strategy ...

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EU Project on Development Perspectives of Domestic Agriculture: Export opportunities, not import barriers!

Under this project, forums with farmers were held all over the country with participation, in addition to the EU representatives, of domestic, re...

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Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development is necessary

BiH joining the EU will open the market with more than 500 million potential consumers, which is a huge opportunity for agricultural producers. I...

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