Local Employment Partnerships Project: Questions and Answers

"Lokalno partnerstvo mora biti održivo najmanje za vrijeme trajanja projekta, a poželjno je i duže. Ne mora biti institucionalizirano u smislu...

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‘Local Employment Partnerships’ Project organises new Info sessions in 10 cities

Javni poziv za dostavljanje koncepata projektnih prijedloga objavljen je 15. jula 2016. godine, i ostaje otvoren do 30. avgusta 2016. godine...

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Request for expression of interest: IPA 2016 support in the sector of competitiveness and innovation

The European Union Delegation, building on the suggestions of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s authorities is looking into possibilities for indirect m...

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Joint statement by HR/VP Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn on BiH’s authorities’ agreement on key measures on the country’s EU path

The coordination mechanism aims at improving the country’s policy coordination and implementation, including as regard...

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EU-funded contest prize for cross-border cooperation research papers launched

The EU-funded multi-beneficiary project ‘Cross-Border Institution Building (CBIB+) Phase II’ has launched a contest to award three prizes for...

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Conference of Ministers of Education in BiH remains committed to full implementation of the obligations of BiH in the EU accession process

The Conference of Ministers of Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, comprising ministers responsible for education at al...

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EU an honorary sponsor of the ninth Demofest in Banjaluka

For the third time, the EU is extending its support to the organisation of a three-day Festival, which acts as an initiator of positive projects...

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The Coalition “Pod lupom” called on BiH citizens to join the non-partisan observation of local elections

The citizens can apply for observing the elections via free phone line (080 05 05 05), on the Coalition’s website (www.podlupom.org), or direct...

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The EU assists in the education of judges, prosecutors and non-judicial and non-prosecutorial staff across the country

The objective of the project was to enhance the professional knowledge and expertise of judges, prosecutors and non-judi...

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EU funds the construction of the new Cantonal Court in Bihać

The EU provided over EUR 1.615.000 for the construction of the new building with aim to improve the working conditions of the court which is in c...

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