The European Commission and BiH initial an agreement on the adaptation of the SAA

The agreement is based on the mutual interest of the two sides, takes into account core sensitive products on the side of BiH, and is comparable ...

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Seven displaced and returnee families from Živinice received the keys of new housing units

The overall purpose of the project is to assist vulnerable displaced persons and refugees in BiH, including the women victims of war, with findin...

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EUD/EUSR statement on the decision of the BiH Presidency with regard to the SAA adaptation

The Delegation of the European Union and the Office of the EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina welcome the decision of the Presid...

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Info days of the Local Employment Partnership Project

The project is part of the wider EU initiative for local development and employment in BiH. The EU funded the project in total amount of EUR 4 m...

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Call for project proposals for funding from EU grants

The aim of the call is to determine interest for participation in competitive tender for grants, worth from EUR 150,000 to 200,000, which will be...

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Reforming legislation to de-politicize public sector

Today’s conference with a title, “Public Administration Reform: Meritocracy Instead of Partitocracy,” was organized by the Centers for Civi...

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Adult learning and partnership of institutions, business sector and CSOs create sustainable models of development and employment

Focus of the conference was the importance of the partnership between institutions, business sector and non-governmental...

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DG NEAR Director for Western Balkans Genoveva Ruiz Calavera stock taking mission to BiH

Director Calavera welcomed the consolidated draft of the Law on BiH Courts prepared by the Working Group chaired by BiH Deputy Minister of Justic...

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EU/UNDP project forges partnerships between local authorities and civil society

The project was funded by the European Union in total amount of EUR 7 million, and implemented by UNDP BiH, in partnership with BiH Ministry of J...

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Press statement on the 1st SAA Subcommittee on trade, industry, customs and taxation

Representatives from the European Commission (Commission) and from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) met in Brussels on 8 July 2016 to discuss the lev...

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