Ambassador Wigemark visits ICMP in Tuzla

Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark visited the Identification Coordination Facility of the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) in Tuzla.

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EU Info Centre and BiH Ministry of Justice present Europe for Citizens Programme

The EU Info Centre in cooperation with the BiH Ministry of Justice organised two presentations of the EU Programme Europe for Citizens 2014 – 2...

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EU project helps develop administrative capacity in BiH water sector in line with environmental acquis

The project is part of the extensive EU support to the environment sector in BiH. Only the support allocated under IPA 2007 – 2011 programme to...

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European Union Continues Support for ICMP

EU Special Representative and Head of the European Union Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, together with the Director of...

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Call for applications – Sakharov Fellowship 2016

The European Parliament has released a call for applications for the first Sakharov Fellowship, taking place from Monday 20 June to Saturday 2 Ju...

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Ambassador Wigemark marks 2016 Earth Day

The Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries e...

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EU Statement on the occasion of Signing Ceremony of the Paris Agreement adopted under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

The global action plan is set to put the world on track to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to ...

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‘Ekonsultacije’ web application launches

Web application "eKonsultacije" was developed within the project funded by the European Union (EU) "Capacity building of government institutions ...

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Banja Luka’s Kastel fortress re-opens with EU support

The Kastel fortress represents the oldest monument in Banja Luka and one of the most significant monuments in BiH and the region. For more than ...

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