EU Floods Recovery Programme marks first anniversary of floods in BiH by completing rehabilitation of 100 public buildings and generating jobs

The 43.5 million EUR European Union Floods Recovery Programme marked the first anniversary of the catastrophic floods of...

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EUD/EUSR: BiH’s chairmanship of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers is responsibility and opportunity

The European Union Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina/Office of the EU Special Representative, warmly welcomed Bosnia ...

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EUD/EUSR joins the marking of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

The date of 17 May was specifically chosen to commemorate the World Health Organization’s decision in 1990 to declassify homosexuality as a men...

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Joint Statement of the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina followng the 7th Meeting of the Sub-committee on Transport, Energy, Environment and Regional Development

The Commission stressed the importance of the adoption of country-wide strategies in the relevant fields both for the fu...

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Joint economic policy recommendations for Enlargement countries to push competitiveness, long-term growth and structural reforms

The enhanced economic reform programmes are an excellent tool to push competitiveness, long-term growth and structural r...

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EU Statement at the United Nations Security Council: Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The European Union continues to closely follow developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Stability and progress in this country are both very impor...

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Statement on the BiH Council of Ministers decision to establish a BiH Investment Committee

The European Union plans to use EUR 1 billion over the next five years for technical preparations and investment co-financing for developing and ...

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Joint Statement of the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina following the 7th Sub-committee meeting on Economic and Financial issues and Statistics

Representatives of the European Commission and the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina met on 4-5 May 2015 in Brussel...

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Commissioner Johannes Hahn guests on FTV

During his second official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina on 8 May, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations,...

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Transcript of the Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn’s interview for FTV

There is a clear common aim to have the future membership of BiH in the EU – and for that we need the most streamlined...

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