European Union provides 33 vehicles to strengthen food safety activities and phytosanitary inspections in BiH

To build capacity in the food safety and phytosanitary sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and support the country to align with EU standards, the...

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KPD Zenica received today a new Pavilion built according to the most modern European standards

The oldest prison in Bosnia and Herzegovina, KPD Zenica, today received a new three-story Pavilion IX containing 62 accommodation units with a ca...

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EIB and EBRD fund modernisation of Sarajevo’s trams

The Ministry of Transport of the Canton of Sarajevo and Stadler Rail AG today signed a contract for the procurement of 15 trams to replace an exi...

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Mostar Symphonic Orchestra and Darko Rundek concerts open 3-week EU-funded Open City Mostar Festival

Twenty two days of music, exhibitions and public discussions in the city of Mostar were opened on 1 September 2021 by EU Special Representative a...

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The European Union and German Government are allocating EUR 3 million to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 crisis in the metal and wood industry in BiH

Within the framework of the joint project of the European Union and the German Government - EU4BusinessRecovery, to help...

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Joint statement on the holding of the Pride March in Sarajevo

We congratulate the Organising Committee, Pride March participants, local institutions, and citizens of BiH on the successful organisation of the...

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32 families in Prijedor receive new homes built by EU-funded Regional Housing Programme

32 internally displaced and returnee families in Prijedor were handed the keys to their new homes today, offering them stability and security for...

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Bihać and Velika Kladuša health care facilities receive five containers for COVID-19 screening, donated by the European Union and IOM

On 3 and 4 August, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) officially handed over five containers for screeni...

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Corridor Vc receives additional EU grants – €14.6 million to finance supervision of construction works on five EBRD-financed segments

EU is stepping up its support for Corridor Vc, the key transport infrastructure project in BiH, with additional grant fu...

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