€1.5 million for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in BiH

Starting from today, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina can directly apply for grant support under the 2nd Call ...

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Seven families from Kakanj receive keys to their new homes

Seven families from Kakanj, whose homes were destroyed in 2014 floods, received today keys to their new homes built through Flood Recovery – Ho...

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Every last child has a right to education

Education is a basic right of every child, and yet there are still children in BiH who are either left out of the education system or drop out of...

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EU and BiH Working Together for Stronger Rule of Law

On the occasion of the International Fraud Awareness Week, the EU Office in BiH organised a moderated discussion to highlight the importance of p...

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Analysis showed presence of heavy metals in the Spreča River, Lake Modrac and fish from Lake Modrac

Within the campaign "Water for All!" a round table was held today in Tuzla, at which the document "Analysis of physicochemical parameters and pre...

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DG NEAR second Award to the most Roma-friendly mayors in Western Balkans and Turkey

On 19 November, seven mayors from six Western Balkan partners and Turkey were awarded the second Award to the most Roma-friendly mayors.

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EU allocated €600,000 to strengthen institutional capacities for recognition of higher education qualifications in BiH

The EU has been actively supporting the system of recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and ensuring th...

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