European Union’s donation to increase the mobility and protection of police officers in Una-Sana Canton

Within the EU funded project IOM Coordinator for the Western Balkans and Head of Mission to BiH handed over keys of three new police vans to the ...

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For a mine, barrier and victim free BiH by 2025

More than 2,100 citizens in 11 local communities across Bosnia and Herzegovina visited this year's exhibition of works by mine victims and disabl...

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Building bridges across a divided past toward a future of mutual respect and dignity

The UN, the OSCE Mission to BiH, the Council of Europe and the EU note that the rising tide of the rhetoric of hate and mistrust, the denials of ...

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EU in BiH: Additional 1.4 million euro in support of war crime cases processing in BiH

For a number of years, European Union supports judiciary of Bosnia and Herzegovina in efforts to prosecute all war crimes cases...

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Maja and Donya once again share the school bench

Maja and Donya have met each other during the "Summer School" which was organized for children from refugee, migrant and asylum seeking families...

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Successful Eko BiH project initiative: FBiH House of Representatives adopts proposal of Environmental Protection Law

After five years, on September 24th, 2019, during the fifth regular session of the House of Representatives of the FB&H ...

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Visiting Nadja and her great-grandfather

Sveto Djurdjevic works on the project funded by the European Union to provide economic and social support for more than 200 landmine victims and ...

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Another valuable donation from the EU to the Una-Sana Canton Ministry of Interior

Within the project 'EU Support to Migration and Border Management in BiH' the International Organization for Migration (IOM) donated equipment to...

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