Continuation of EU Assistance for a Mine Free Bosnia and Herzegovina

The European Union is funding two additional projects to support mine clearance in BiH and enhance strong partnership among responsible instituti...

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Travelling as The Best Way to Meet Europe and New Cultures

With the aim of promoting the mobility of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and encouraging them to travel across Europe, the EU Info Centre...

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“Two Wheels are Enough” – Banja Luka Cycling Promenade Marks Car-Free Day

European Mobility Week is the largest Europe-wide awareness raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility, which culminates in the marking of Ca...

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Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme: Second Call for Proposals

The Managing Authority, the Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia, is pleased to inform you that the 2nd Call for Proposals ...

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Tournament of friendship in support to female football in Petrovo

Thirty-eight players ran out to the football court Lužanjak after the EU Ambassador Lars Gunnar Wigemark kicked off the friendly match.

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62 new homes in Zenica for most vulnerable families

Sixty two families - 160 former refugees and internally displaced persons - moved to a newly constructed multi-apartment building in Zenica const...

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Local EU Statement on the adoption of amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of BiH

All present political parties showed political maturity and did the right thing by voting in the favour for the adoption of the amendments...

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European Mobility Week: Multimodality for sustainable urban mobility

Activities marking European Mobility Week in Bosnia and Herzegovina started with an EU team participating in this year’s Sarajevo Half-Marathon...

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Informative posters for better agricultural practice

The BiH Plum Marketing Association in cooperation with the EU ProLocal Programme developed a new informative poster titled „Good Agricultural P...

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