Better working conditions for judges and prosecutors in Trebinje

Uslovi rada u zgradi suda u Trebinju biće poboljšani zahvaljujući doprinosu Evropske unije od 1,5 miliona eura.

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High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini meets the Prime Ministers of the Western Balkans in Skopje

Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, tonight took part in a...

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Key findings of the 2018 Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina

The electoral framework remains to be urgently amended with a view to ensuring the proper organisation of the October 2018 elections...

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Children with disabilities in BiH need equal opportunities

Svako dijete s poteškoćama ima pravo na inkluziju bez poteškoća

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Renewable energy sources – a chance for Višegrad

The ninth debate on the local economic and sustainable development within the 'Local Community Takes initiative' project was held today in Višeg...

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Foča has extraordinary development potential

The local communities in this country will be the ones to benefit most from the EU integration

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EU welcomes the agreement to establish joint contact point between EUROPOL and BiH

Na današnjem sastanku s delegacijom EUROPOL-a, čiji su domaćini bili ministar sigurnosti BiH Dragan Mektić, ministar unutrašnjih poslova RS ...

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