Project LID: Results of the public call for provision of support for establishing and extending soybean production in 2018

The overall objective of the project is to raise standards of living and social cohesion in BiH through inclusive sustai...

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YouTube: An important part of contemporary culture

The discussion was held in the lead-up to this year's Balkan Tube Fest which will be held at the end of this month in Banja Luka...

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EU-funded project to reconstruct judicial institutions in East Sarajevo and Foča begins

The project is a part of a wider efforts in supporting modernisation and reconstruction of courts and prosecutors’ offices throughout Bosnia an...

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Questions and answers: PISA testing begins in Bosnia and Herzegovina with EU support

Bosna i Hercegovina je pristupila programu nakon zalaganja EU i novčane podrške za ulaznu kartu...

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Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, 4 April: Let us make BiH mine-free for the safer future of children

Evropska unija je snažno posvećena potpunoj eliminaciji protivpješadijskih mina u BiH i podržava prava žrtava mina ...

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BiH politicians need to do their job

BiH’s leaders have both the responsibility and the ability to forge a compromise...

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3rd EU-BiH Stabilisation and Association Committee meeting held in Brussels

Delegacija EU naglasila je važnost daljeg provođenja pravosudnih reformi...

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Foster mother Vida – Children say her love and affection are unique

Postala je hraniteljica 1987., samo mjesec i po nakon što je rodila svoje prvo dijete.

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Local communities make a foundation for a strong and stable country

Seventh debate on local economic and sustainable development in Vitez

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