Commission presents a new Aviation Strategy for Europe

Competitive and efficient aviation is central to Europe's growth. This new Aviation Strategy creates a framework that will enable European aviati...

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Commissioners Avramopoulos and Jourová represent the Commission at the Western Balkans Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial meeting on 7-8 December

The Home Affairs session on Monday 7 December is focused on migration management, the response to the refugee crisis, th...

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Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the OSCE Ministerial Council in Belgrade, 3 December 2015

The past year has been marked by focusing on international terrorism and cross-border refugee flows. These are challenge...

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Commission proposes to make products and services more accessible to the disabled persons

On 2 December, the European Commission proposed a European Accessibility Act, which will set common accessibility requirements for certain key pr...

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Paris climate conference: historic opportunity to avoid dangerous climate change

The European Commission underlined the crucial importance of reaching a fair, ambitious and legally binding global climate deal at the United Nat...

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World AIDS Day 2015: Joint Statement by HR/VP Mogherini and Commissioners Andriukaitis, Mimica and Moedas

No one facing AIDS should be left behind. Worldwide, there are still 2 million people diagnosed with HIV each year, with 1.4 million of them in s...

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Meeting of heads of state or government with Turkey – EU-Turkey statement

Turkey and the EU discussed the importance of overcoming the common challenges ahead. In line with the conclusions of the European Council of 15 ...

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€57 million of EU funds for enhanced cross-border cooperation between Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro

The programme aims to improve the quality of common public services in the region, to promote the development of sustain...

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Remarks by President Donald Tusk after the Brdo-Brijuni Process summit in Zagreb

Today, what we need most of all is real progress: to reinvigorate the EU enlargement process for candidate countries, and to step up the Euro-Atl...

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Paris climate conference: historic opportunity to avoid dangerous climate change

he European Commission today presented its position and objectives ahead of the United Nations climate change conference in Paris on 30 November ...

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