Schulz condemns the Paris terrorist attacks

On behalf of the European Parliament, I condemn in the clearest and strongest terms the heinous terrorist attacks which killed and wounded so man...

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Letter to President François Hollande of France from European Council President Donald Tusk on the attacks in Paris

Today, France is on the frontline of the fight against terrorism. But she is not alone. This fight is the fight of all E...

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“After Paris attacks, the international community needs to unite” – Mogherini at Syria talks in Vienna

The High Representative Federica Mogherini expressed her grief last night soon after the terrorist attacks in Paris and ...

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Message du Président Jean-Claude Juncker au Président François Hollande suite aux attaques à Paris

Je pense aux victimes, aux blessés, aux secours. Je fais confiance aux autorités et au peuple français pour surmonter ensemble cette nouvelle ...

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President Juncker launches the EU Emergency Trust Fund to tackle root causes of irregular migration in Africa

The Emergency Trust Fund is made up of €1.8 billion from the European Union financing instruments as well as contributions from EU Member State...

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EU extends the mandate of three European Union Special Representatives

The Council extended the mandate of the European Union Special Representatives (EUSRs) in Afghanistan, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and for the Hor...

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Western Balkans and Turkey: enlargement process key to strengthened economic and political stability in the region

In a set of annual reports adopted today, the European Commission has assessed where the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey stand in pre...

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Speak-Up! 3 Conference: Opening speech by Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations

Media freedom is an essential pillar for this kind of society. It makes countries stronger. It goes hand in hand with th...

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Invitation to workshop: Public participation and transparency in the implementation of energy policies

The workshop will include discussions about public participation principles, tools, benefits and challenges, explore examples of participation pr...

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Erasmus +: 2016 Call for Proposals

Thank to Erasmus+, students and doctoral candidates from partner countries can obtain EU-funded scholarships to spend part of their studies in Eu...

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