“POST-WALL EUROPE” – “NACH-MAUER EUROPA” Speech of Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council

Speech at the occasion of the anniversary of the Fall of the Wall in Berlin...

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New EU VAT rules applying as of 2015 – implications for third country businesses

As of January 2015 services of telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic services provided by third country operators to EU private individ...

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Western Balkans and Turkey: new opportunities for EU enlargement

(Joint article by Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and EU Commissioner for ELARG)

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UNESCO-European Union: working together for change

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the European Union have today announced they will strengthen th...

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European Research Area progress report: Single Market for research closer, but not yet a reality

On 23 September, the European Commission presented the first comprehensive analysis of the state of the 'single market' for research, or the Euro...

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Love is … multilingualism

How do you say 'I like you' in 24 languages? This very useful information is brought to you today by the European Commission on the occasion of t...

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Contribution by social sciences and humanities – important for Europe’s well-being

President Dalia Grybauskaitė opened an international conference entitled Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities as one of the events of Lit...

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The European Union at the United Nations General Assembly

The European Union will be represented at the discussions in UNGA so that Europe's voice resonates strongly in discussions and decisions that aff...

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Statement by Commissioner Potočnik on receiving the United Nations’ 2013 Champions of the Earth Award

"It is an honour and a privilege to receive the “Champions of the Earth Award”. I extend my deep appreciation to the United Nations Environme...

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