European Council conclusions, 17-21 July 2020

On 21 July 2020, the European Council adopted conclusions on the recovery plan and multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027.

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Day of International Criminal Justice: Declaration by the High Representative Josep Borrell on behalf of the European Union

17 July marks the date of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 1998. On this oc...

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The European Union adopts new priorities 2020-2022 for its cooperation with the Council of Europe

The new "EU priorities for cooperation with the Council of Europe in 2020-2022" were adopted by the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council on 13 July...

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Speech by Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi at the European Parliament debate Commemorating Srebrenica, 25 years anniversary

Europe has not forgotten what happened in Srebrenica and our own responsibility for not being able to prevent and stop t...

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European Commission revamps its ‘Have Your Say’ portal

Today, the European Commission has launched a revamped version of the ‘Have Your Say' portal. This online platform invites all citizens, (inclu...

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EU consumers obtain access to collective redress

Member states’ ambassadors today approved a deal concluded between the Croatian presidency of the Council and the European Parliament on a draf...

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International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: Statement by the EU High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell

The European Union reaffirms its strong commitment to combating torture worldwide through a comprehensive approach encom...

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