Josep Borrell announces senior appointments in the EEAS

Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, announced today three senio...

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Human rights: EU adopts conclusions on EU priorities at United Nations Human Rights Fora in 2020

The Council today adopted conclusions on the priorities to be followed by the EU in United Nations human rights fora this year.

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Cooperation is key to counter the COVID-19 outbreak: the Council adopts conclusions

The Council today adopted conclusions on COVID-19. The conclusions welcome the EU's effective response to the challenges arising from the outbrea...

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We must end female genital mutilation once and for all

According to estimations, more than 200 million girls and women have suffered from female genital mutilation across the world, including at least...

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Joint Statement ahead of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

Girls and women have the exclusive right to make decisions about their bodies. None should see their body subjected to any kind of violence or a...

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Op-ed article by HRVP Josep Borrell & Head of UKTF, Michel Barnier

The EU and the UK are bound by history, by geography, culture, shared values and principles and a strong belief in rules-based multilateralism. O...

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