President Donald Tusk to visit the Western Balkans

Evropska unija i dalje će biti najpouzdaniji partner cijeloga regiona.

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Enlargement package: Commission publishes reports on the Western Balkans partners and Turkey

Po prvi put zajedno s Paketom proširenja, Evropska komisija je objavila i svoje godišnju procjenu programa ekonomskih reformi za Zapadni Balkan...

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Declaration by the High Representative Federica Mogherini on behalf of the EU on strikes in Syria

The European Union reiterates its strongest condemnation of the repeated use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime, as confirmed by the OPCW/U...

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International Roma Day: Statement by First Vice-President Frans Timmermans and Commissioners Marianne Thyssen, Vĕra Jourová, Corina Creţu and Johannes Hahn

The European Commission has long stressed the need for action, and called on Member States in 2011 to adopt national str...

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European Citizens’ Initiative: 9 million citizens have got involved in EU law-making

Evropska komisija usvojila je svoj drugi izvještaj o primjeni Uredbe o građanskoj inicijativi...

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Action Plan on military mobility: EU takes steps towards a Defence Union

U govoru o stanju Unije 2017. predsjednik Juncker naglasio je nužnost izgradnje punopravne europske obrambene unije do 2025...

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