Social media companies need to do more to fully comply with EU consumer rules

Social media companies need to do more to respond to the requests, made last March by the European Commission and Member States' consumer authori...

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Remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the college read-out to present the Western Balkans Strategy

This strategy today gives a shared, unequivocal concrete perspective for EU integration for each and every one of our si...

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Western Balkans: EU promotes Cultural Heritage Route

The EU and Western Balkans share a common history and rich cultural heritage, which can be explored this year through the diverse initiatives of ...

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Strategy for the Western Balkans: EU sets out new flagship initiatives and support for the reform-driven region

Evropska komisija je danas usvojila strategiju za "Kredibilnu perspektivu proširenja i pojačan angažman EU sa Zapadnim Balkanom"...

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Q&A: A credible enlargement perspective for and enhanced EU engagement with the Western Balkans

The EU's enlargement policy must be part and parcel of the larger strategy to strengthen the Union by 2025...

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Federica Mogherini meets with the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The High Representative and the Presidency members discussed the upcoming Strategy on the Western Balkans and immediate priorities ahead of the B...

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Brexit: European Commission receives mandate to begin negotiations with the UK on transitional arrangements

The Commission will publish in due course a draft legal text of the Withdrawal Agreement...

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Message by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018

This day should remind us to be vigilant in the face of hatred, discrimination and dehumanisation...

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Boost of €100 million for microfinance and social enterprises in Europe from the Investment Plan for Europe

The EU's financing programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) will receive an additional €100 million for its Guarantee scheme...

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