Security Union: Commission delivers on 2017 security priorities

The European Commission reported today on actions taken since President Juncker's 2016 State of the Union address to enhance security at the EU e...

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HR/VP Mogherini: The future of the Balkans lies in the EU

The HR/VP pointed out that the policy "to bridge differences and create spaces for cooperation" is the only way "to preserve and advance peace"...

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Better access to drinking water in Croatia thanks to Cohesion Policy investments

Works involve the rehabilitation of nearly 40 km of water supply network, the construction of 6 wastewater treatment plants and the construction ...

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Statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on the nuclear test carried out by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

The DPRK must engage in a credible and meaningful dialogue, aimed at pursuing the complete, verifiable and irreversible ...

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New and improved car emissions tests become mandatory on 1 September

The new emissions tests will ensure more reliable results and help to rebuild confidence in the performance of new cars...

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Questions and Answers: EU action to curb air pollution by cars

Over the past decades, the Commission has led EU efforts to progressively reduce emissions of air quality pollutants from road vehicles...

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Federica Mogherini meets with President Thaçi of Kosovo and Vučić of Serbia

The High Representative welcomed the renewed commitment by both Presidents to the process...

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EU supports US authorities with satellite mapping for Hurricane Harvey

The EU's emergency Copernicus Emergency Management Service has been activated at the request of FEMA...

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