Statement by Commissioner Thyssen on the occasion of International Labour Day

Creating a more social Europe, one that protects and empowers workers, not only today but also in tomorrow's world of work, has been this Commiss...

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New guidelines help citizens gain better and fairer access to their national courts on environmental cases

The guidance is intended to help individuals and non-governmental organisations to decide whether to bring a case before national courts. Nationa...

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EU all set for free roaming from June

Roaming without paying surcharges, or "roam like at home", is for those living in Europe and who travel to other EU countries for work or leisure...

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Commission presents the European Pillar of Social Rights

Already today, the European Commission flanks the European Pillar of Social Rights with a number of further concrete legislative and non-legislat...

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Delivering on the European Pillar of Social Rights – Commission adopts first concrete initiatives

The proposal on work-life balance sets a number of new or higher minimum standards for parental, paternity and carer's leave...

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Commission awards the Seal of Excellence to 2300 researchers

The Commission has on 24 April awarded, for the first time, Seal of Excellence certificates to more than 2300 researchers in recognition of their...

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Energy Union: EU invests €22.1 million supporting synergies between transport and energy sectors

Four of the selected actions refer to the transport priorities "motorways of the sea", "maritime ports" and "multimodal transport modes" with emp...

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Mogherini: EU – China cooperation “has never been so important”

Reflecting the breadth and depth of the EU-China Strategic Partnership, discussions at the Dialogue ranged from the rising tensions on the Korean...

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End of roaming charges for travellers in the EU in 2017

Since 2007, the European Commission has successfully worked to reduce the consumer price of roaming. This has changed the habits of many European...

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Imports of organic products subject to new EU electronic certification system

This pioneering e-certification system will contribute to enhancing food safety provisions and reducing potential fraud. It will also reduce the ...

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