Joint Statement on the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

"In the European Union, we are dedicating 2017 to combatting all forms of violence against women, included Female Genital Mutilation. Women and g...

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Environmental Implementation Review: new way to help Member States apply EU rules benefits citizens, administrations and economy

Today the Commission adopted the Environmental Implementation Review, a new tool to improve implementation of European e...

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The European Commission launches public consultation on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy

Modernising and simplifying the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), one of the European Union's longstanding policies, will allow it to better resp...

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Europe’s energy transition is well underway

In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and renewable energy, Europe is on track to reach its 2020 targets. To further drive this...

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Foreign affairs MEPs assess reform efforts in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina

MEPs voice concern about the fragmentation and politicization of public administration, which they say hampers reform and makes public service cu...

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End of roaming charges: EU negotiators agreed on wholesale prices, the final piece to make it happen

As the last step towards the end of roaming charges by 15 June 2017, representatives of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission a...

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#InvestEU: EIF and UniCredit agreement to provide EUR 160 million for innovative SMEs

The banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia will benefit from the support of a guarantee provided by EIF and backed under Horizon 2020, the...

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From Erasmus to Erasmus+: a story of 30 years

The Erasmus programme was established in 1987 as an exchange programme for higher education students. Ever since the first year, when 3,200 stude...

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Message by President Jean-Claude Juncker on the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day 2017

Our duty becomes even more compelling as every year the survivors and direct witnesses of the Holocaust become fewer and fewer, leaving the young...

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New figures show record number of participants in Erasmus+

In 2015, Erasmus+ enabled 678,000 Europeans to study, train, work and volunteer abroad, more than ever before. In the same year, the EU invested ...

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