Commission welcomes entry into force of new transparency rules for tax rulings

Member States are obliged to automatically exchange information on all new cross-border tax rulings that they issue...

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Malta takes over the Council rotating presidency

On 1 January 2017 Malta takes over the steering wheel for the next 6 months. The presidency will focus on 6 priorities: migration, single market,...

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European Capitals of Culture in 2017: Aarhus and Pafos

As of 1 January, Aarhus and Pafos will hold the title of European Capital of Culture...

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European Commission welcomes progress in relations between the European Union and Switzerland

President Juncker expressed the hope that 2017 could be a milestone in the development of closer bilateral relations...

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Already €130 billion delivered into Europe’s real economy under the European Structural and Investment Funds

For the first time, the Commission issued a progress report covering the five Funds. It shows a sharp acceleration in in...

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Security Union: Commission adopts stronger rules to fight terrorism financing

European Commission is strengthening the capacity of the EU to fight terrorism and organised crime, making it harder for terrorists and criminals...

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Security Union: Commission proposes to reinforce the Schengen Information System to better fight terrorism and cross-border crime

The proposed improvements will further enhance the ability of the system to fight terrorism and cross-border crime, impr...

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Review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe highlights more employment, less poverty and a changing world of work

Around 3 million jobs have been created and employment has risen, pushing back poverty. However, unemployment remains hi...

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Statement of Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on Berlin

"This news is all the more devastating as people had gathered to celebrate the Christmas season, which many associate with tranquility and peace..."

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On the assassination of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey, Andrei Karlov

Our fullest sympathies are with his family, all his colleagues, and the Russian authorities. The European Union condemns in the strongest possibl...

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