Joint Statement on the occasion of International Migrant Day on 18 December

Today, more than 65.3 million people worldwide are displaced from their homes by conflict, persecution or poverty.

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Urban Agenda: new call for projects worth €50 million to help cities solve urban challenges

At the heart of the Urban Agenda, 12 partnerships allow cities, Member States, EU Institutions, NGOs and business partners to work together on an...

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The Western Balkans and their European path: Op-ed by Commissioner Avramopolous

Now, more than ever, a close and solid relationship between the Western Balkans and the EU is vital.

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Statement on Enhancing the Fight Against Illicit Trafficking of Firearms and Ammunition in the Western Balkans

We, the participants of the EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs in Brdo on 15-16 December 2016, acknowledge the pres...

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Galileo goes live!

On 15 December 2016, Europe's satellite navigation system Galileo will start offering its initial services to public authorities, businesses and ...

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Iraqi Yazidi activists Nadia Murad and Lamiya Aji Bashar receive 2016 Sakharov Prize

Murad and Bashar, are from Kocho, one of the villages near Sinjar, Iraq. In August 2014, Islamic State militants slaughtered all the males in the...

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A Union that delivers swifter and better results: Three Institutions sign Joint Declaration on the EU’s legislative priorities for 2017

President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, holder of the rotating Council Presidency, Robert Fico, and Europea...

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Statement by HR/VP Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the bomb attack in Istanbul

We reaffirm our strong condemnation of all acts of terror and confirm our continued commitment to work together closely with Turkey in combatting...

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EU-Cuba: Council opens new chapter in relations

The political dialogue and cooperation agreement, the first ever agreement between the EU and Cuba, will constitute the new legal framework for E...

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