Managing migration effectively: Commission reports on progress in the implementation of the Partnership Framework with third countries

The Commission presents today its first progress Report on implementing the Partnership Frameworks with third countries:...

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Joint statement by Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Thyssen on the occasion of the ‘International day for eradication of poverty’

While all 28 Member States are now recovering from the crisis, poverty and exclusion are still a reality. Across the EU,...

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European Agenda on Security: First report on progress towards an effective and sustainable Security Union

The report outlines the Commission's efforts in the fight against terrorism, organised crime and cybercrime and the work undertaken to strengthen...

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Speech by Federica Mogherini at the public seminar “EU as a Global Actor”

"Because sometimes we don’t realise but we are already a super-power as a European Union. Every time I say super-power together with the Europe...

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European and World Day against the Death Penalty, 10 October 2016 – Joint Declaration by the EU and the Council of Europe

Today, on the European and World Day against the Death Penalty, the Council of Europe and the European Union reaffirm th...

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Cohesion Policy at work: key outcomes of EU investments in 2007-2013

One million jobs created, corresponding to one-third of overall net job creation across the EU during this period and €2.74 of additional GDP f...

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Securing Europe’s external borders: Launch of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency

Building on the foundations of Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency will closely monitor the EU's external borders and work togeth...

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A New Europass Framework: helping people make their skills and qualifications more visible

Today, the Commission has adopted a proposal to revise the Europass Decision. Europass is a suite of tools and services which support the transpa...

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Paris Agreement to enter into force as EU agrees ratification

So far, 62 parties, accounting for almost 52 % of global emissions have ratified the Paris Agreement. The Agreement will enter into force 30 days...

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