Air quality: agreement on stricter limits for pollutant emissions

On 30 June 2016 the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on a directive to reduce emissions of air pollutants. Thi...

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Draft EU Budget 2017: Commission proposes a budget focused on priorities – growth, jobs and a solid response to the refugee crisis

The Commission has today proposed the 2017 draft EU Budget of €134.9 billion in payments focusing on the two main poli...

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Boosting SMEs in the cultural and creative sectors: European Commission and EIF launch a new guarantee scheme

The European Commission and the European Investment Fund (EIF) today launched a €121 million guarantee initiative to support SMEs in the cultur...

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“Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe”. A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy

"None of our countries has the strength nor the resources to address these threats and seize the opportunities of our ti...

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Joint statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the attack at Istanbul’s Atatürk Airport

Turkey has suffered another tragic terrorist attack, this time at Istanbul's Atatürk Airport. The attack has killed at ...

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European Council conclusions, 28 June 2016

At their meeting in June, EU leaders discussed the outcome of the UK referendum. They also adopted conclusions on migration, external relations a...

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Statement by Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström on EU Trade Policy

"Our negotiations with key partners will continue. The European Union has an ambitious trade agenda and remains engaged in pursuing and concludin...

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Commission calls for renewed commitment to Roma integration

This year's assessment provides, for the first time, an overview of the measures put in place by Member States following the 2013 Council Recomme...

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UK Referendum on Membership of the European Union: Questions & Answers

Following notification by the UK of its intention to leave, the European Council, meeting without the UK, would need to agree the guidelines for ...

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The EU is and will continue to be a strong actor – Mogherini following the UK referendum

Disengagement is not an option, but neither is business as usual. Our Union is the best way to respond to our citizens' needs and aspirations, an...

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