Apply for EU prize for cultural heritage / Europa Nostra Awards

The European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards is Europe’s most prestigious prize in the heritage field. Every year, it ...

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EU and IMF to continue supporting reforms in Western Balkan countries by strengthening economic governance and public financial management

Supporting macroeconomic and public finance institutions and policies in member and partner countries has long been a co...

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Joint Conclusions on the Economic Reform Programmes

Economic governance has become one of the pillars of EU's enlargement policy, mirroring developments within the EU to strengthen economic policy ...

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Commission proposes new e-commerce rules to help consumers and companies reap full benefit of Single Market

Delivering on its Digital Single Market and Single Market strategies, the European Commission has presented a three-pronged plan to boost e-comme...

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The Western Balkans and Turkey to deepen economic and social reforms with the EU

The jointly adopted policy guidance is based on Economic Reform Programmes, which the authorities develop on an annual basis and submit to the EU...

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Commission updates EU audiovisual rules and presents targeted approach to online platforms

This proposal reflects the new approach of the Commission towards online platforms - like online marketplaces, search engines, payment systems, s...

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Commission awards exemplary projects protecting nature across Europe

The annual Natura 2000 Awards recognise conservation achievements across the EU and raise awareness about initiatives that protect nature across ...

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European Union commits to action at the World Humanitarian Summit

At the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, the European Union has committed to strengthen prevention and preparedness, improve the internation...

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European Union helps reshape international assistance at the World Humanitarian Summit

Over 50 world leaders and 5 000 humanitarian, development and political stakeholders gather on 23-24 May, in Istanbul, to share responsibility to...

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10 key changes for tobacco products sold in the EU

Health warnings for e-cigarettes become mandatory advising consumers that e-cigarettes contain nicotine and should not be used by non-smokers...

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