Inzko Meets with Italian Secretary of State Alfredo Mantica

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, met today in Sarajevo with Italian State Secretary Alfredo Mantica.

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Inzko Meets US Congress Delegation: Time for Constitutional Reform

The leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina must continue to work towards the creation of an efficient and effective state that is able to meet its dom...

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Remarks by High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko At the Memorial Ceremony for Victims of Genocide Srebrenica, 11 July 2009

I have been working in Bosnia and Herzegovina for three months, and today I am in Srebrenica for the third time. It is t...

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Speed up Process of Electing Mostar Mayor

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, visited Mostar today and held discussions with the leaders of the HDZBiH, ...

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Arrangement with IMF is of exceptional importance

The High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko met today with the Federation Prime Minister Mustafa Mujezinović. On this o...

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Inzko Attends Informal Meeting of EU Political Directors in Stockholm

EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko is in Stockholm today to address the Political Directors of EU member states during an informal planning...

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Statement by the High Representative Valentin Incko at the Press Conference

Thank you for coming in such great numbers. Raffi Gregorian will address you as Brčko Supervisor in a few moments but first I will outline the...

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Inzko Meets US Congress Delegation

High Representative and EU Special Representative (HR/EUSR) Valentin Inzko met today in Sarajevo with a delegation of ten US Senators and Members...

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Inzko in Brussels: Some Progress, despite Continuing divisive Rhetoric

Bosnia and Herzegovina has made some progress in meeting EU requirements, but more efforts are needed to fulfil the objectives and conditions for...

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Bosnian Youth NGOs meet Doris Pack

Member of European Parliament Doris Pack discussed the process of EU integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a delegation of non-governmental ...

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