Op-ed by Valentin Inzko, EUSR and HR in BiH: “Referendum a dangerous political adventure”

Two years ago I began my work as High Representative and EU Special Representative with an absolute commitment to help the four million people of...

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Referendum a Dangerous Political Adventure

An entity referendum on a State-level competency is unacceptable, High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko wrote in an ar...

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Maximum effectiveness needed to tackle current crisis

In talks with senior French diplomats in Paris today High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko said France plays an indisp...

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Formation of BiH Government Should be Priority, not Attacking State Institutions

At a time when BiH citizens are struggling to deal with the worst recession since the war, BiH politics have been sidetracked by issues that have...

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Interview with HR/EUSR Valentin Inzko

There is a small window of opportunity for the RS leadership to reconsider whether the course of action they have chosen is really in the interes...

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OHR/EUSR comment on the Croat Peoples Assembly

As HR and European Union Special Representative, I look forward to continuing to work with all those, regardless of whether they have participate...

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IC Strongly Supports Work of State Judicial Institutions

“An independent state judiciary is the cornerstone of any democracy and a fundamental criteria for the EU; BiH is no exception to this rule,”...

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HR/EUSR Inzko meets ICTY Chief Prosecutor Brammertz

The High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko confirmed his continued support to ensuring that war criminals are brought t...

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A New EU Approach

The European Union, now acting under the Hungarian Presidency, can help Bosnia and Herzegovina emerge from its political impasse and get back on ...

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Fix the Economy and Get Back on the Road to Europe

Forming the Council of Ministers is not the main act in BiH politics but simply the overture, High Representative and EU Special Representative V...

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