Inzko and Lajčák Urge BiH Leaders to Think of Citizens First

High Representative and EU Special Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina Valentin Inzko met Managing Director for Russia, Eastern Neighbourho...

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A More Resolute, Creative, Constructive and Mature Approach

If the political elite in Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot form a government then how can it pilot this country into Europe, High Representative and...

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Opening Speech by High Representative & EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko, At the Parliament for Europe Session On Evaluating BiH Progress toward the European Union

Let me begin by saying what a pleasure it is to participate in the first session of the “Parliament for Europe” in 2...

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BiH Leaders Told to End “Power Games”

BiH leaders must end the “power games” that have prevented the formation of state and Federation governments, and adopt a more “mature and ...

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HR/EUSR Inzko Meets RS Associations of Families of Missing Persons

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, met with representatives of the Republika Srpska Associations of families ...

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HR/EUSR Inzko Meets High Commissioner Vollebaek

High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, met today in Sarajevo OSCE's High Commissioner on National Minorities, Ambassa...

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HR/EUSR Inzko meets British Foreign Secretary William Hague

High Representative and EU Special Representative (HR/EUSR) Valentin Inzko discussed the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina wi...

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BiH’s Young Generation Engages on Key Issues and Wins

Today in Sarajevo the High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, congratulated BIH youngsters who won the International C...

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Political Deadlock Hits Vulnerable Groups

The most vulnerable citizens are particularly hard hit by politicians’ failure to form new government authorities, High Representative and EU S...

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Political Deadlock Hits Vulnerable Groups

The most vulnerable citizens are particularly hard hit by politicians’ failure to form new government authorities, High Representative and EU S...

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