Former Police Officers Have a Right to Demonstrate

The United Nations should consider establishing a process for reviewing cases where police officers failed to secure certification by the Interna...

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Remarks by the High Representative and EU Special Representative for BiH, Christian Schwarz-Schilling at the press briefing following the PIC meeting

The PIC Steering Board has just finished its meeting and we will shortly issue our communiqué outlining the key points ...

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Remarks by the High Representative and EU Special Representative for BiH, Christian Schwarz-Schilling at the press briefing with Adnan Terzic, Prime Minister of BiH

Thank you for coming here today. We have had useful discussions both yesterday and today. Today, the PIC Steering Board ...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Mostar

As you know, the Peace Implementation Council Political Directors are meeting today and tomorrow in Brussels, under the chairmanship of the High ...

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Schwarz-Schilling Congratulates Minister Radovanovic, General Podzic on PfP Invitation; Stresses Importance of Completing Defence Reform

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, today congratulated Defence Minister...

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Schwarz-Schilling Urges Appointment of HoR Vetting Commission

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, urged the House of Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina ...

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Schwarz-Schilling: The Meaning of PfP Membership

NATO’s decision to invite Bosnia and Herzegovina into the Alliance’s Partnership-for-Peace programme should be seen as an important step towa...

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PfP Membership Brings Renewed ICTY Cooperation Requirement

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling and the Chief Prosecutor of International Criminal Tribunal fo...

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Schwarz-Schilling: PfP Invitation Reward for Successful Defence Reform

High Representative and EU Special Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling congratulated Bosnia and Herzegovina on its invitation to join NATO...

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Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

The High Representative and EU Special Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling is in Germany on a short visit in advance of next week’s meet...

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