Schwarz-Schilling Urges Parliamentarians to Use Extraordinary Sessions to Pass Priority Laws

The High Representative/EU Special Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, is urging parliamentarians to use the extraordinary sessions of b...

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Statement by Christian Schwarz-Schilling, the High Representative for BiH at the Press Conference in Mostar

Thank you for coming here today. What I am about to announce gives me no pleasure, but the deadlock in this city leaves me no choice. It gives me...

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HR Christian Schwarz-Schilling: Mostar Matters

Mostar’s politicians have had years to solve problems that are making life unbearable for the city’s inhabitants and they have failed – obl...

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HR Schwarz-Schilling: Candidates Must Explain How They Will Create Jobs & Alleviate Poverty

Business people in Bosnia and Herzegovina are entitled to know where candidates and party leaders stand on the Law on Obligations and centralisin...

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Statement by Chris Bennett, Director of Communications at the Press Conference on Pre-Election Public Information Campaign

We have invited you here today to give you a preview of the spots that will be running on television throughout Bosnia a...

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BiH Needs Concrete Proposals for Visa-Free Future

Real progress can be made in relaxing visa requirements for BiH citizens if politicians translate election promises into practical measures, the ...

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BiH Needs Concrete Proposals Not Empty Rhetoric

Concrete proposals – not empty rhetoric – must be the substance of campaign politics leading up to the election on 1 October, High Representa...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka

Just one point from OHR this morning and it is on the subject of election rhetoric and a statement made earlier this week by Prime Minister Dodik.

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Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

The EU Police Mission is operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the invitation of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its mandate clearly s

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Voting for a European Future

The forthcoming election is about the pace at which Bosnia and Herzegovina moves towards Europe, High Representative and EU Special Representativ...

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