Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

Today is a crucial day for Bosnia and Herzegovina. This country's elected representative are, for the first time, discussing changes to the Dayt...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka

The High Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, welcomed the outcome of yesterday’s discussion in the Constitutional and Legal Commission...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Mostar

Senior Deputy High Representative Ambassador Peter Bas-Backer, today, will participate in a meeting which aims to raise awareness of competent au...

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Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

The HR is today in New York where he will address the UN Security Council for the first time as High Representative. He will then meet with the U...

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Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

Last week we welcomed the public debate that had been sparked by the Draft Law on Rights and Obligations of the Delegates of the BiH Parliamentar...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka

The Principal Deputy High Representative, Larry Butler, will have a meeting with representatives of the BiH Bankers’ Association this afternoon...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Mostar

It is already April, and OHR notes with concern that the City of Mostar has not yet adopted a budget for 2006, while most municipalities in BiH h...

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Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

Members of the BiH Parliament have submitted legislation for debate which would increase their benefits and pensions. In the past the OHR has w...

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Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

I have a couple of points for you this morning but let me clarify some media reporting right off. It was reported last night that the HR would b...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Mostar

The OHR calls upon the City Administration to create, as soon as possible, a balanced, final draft for 2006 budget and to submit it before the Ci...

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