Schwarz-Schilling: Bosnia’s Road to Ownership

The transition to local ownership will have to take longer than anticipated a year ago as a result of the stalled reform process in Bosnia and He...

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Schwarz-Schilling: It’s the Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina that Matters

The future of the OHR is important – but the really important issue is the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its people, the High Representa...

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Schwarz-Schilling Condemns Murder Of Human Rights Activist

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, today condemned the murder of Dusko Kondor, a Human Rights ac...

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Schwarz-Schilling: Investment Means Jobs

The best way to communicate the positive reality of foreign direct investment is to demonstrate the number of jobs that have been created as a re...

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Schwarz-Schilling: Ownership Key to Lasting Stability

The Office of the High Representative needs to stay open for another year to take forward the process of reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Hi...

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Schwarz-Schilling: Time to End Higher Education Chaos

Chaos reigns in higher education throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, and even after students have endured the mismanagement of the university syst...

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Special representatives of the EU Extension of mandates – New Representatives for the African Great Lakes and Moldova

The Council adopted today joint actions appointing new European Union special representatives (EUSRs) for the African Gr...

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OHR/EUSR Statement in Response to ICG Report

The ICG Report Ensuring Bosnia’s future: A New International Engagement Strategy is one of a large number of advocacy pieces that have been pub...

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Schwarz-Schilling Attends EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Meeting in Brussels

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling is participating in a Western Balkans Ministerial meeting in B...

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Ownership the Key to Durable Stability

Promoting local ownership is neither easy nor risk-free, but it avoids short-term fixes in an effort to create real and durable stability, the Hi...

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