Successful stories EU4Business: From Freelancer To Entrepreneur

Adnan applied to the Public Call for Training "Start Your Own Business" within the EU4Business project and thus used the opportunity to start his own business.

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EU provides €18 million for COVID-19 recovery of entrepreneurship and agriculture in BiH with two new projects: EU4BusinessRecovery and EU4AgriRecovery

For the purpose of recovery of BiH economy from effects caused by the COVID-19 viral pandemic, the European Union approv...

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Easier, faster and simpler farm work thanks to support of EU4Business project

A busy day at the Pavlović Brothers farm near Šamac. No stopping for the machines and people as they run errands vital to the life of the farm and more than 1,700 of its bulls.

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BiH: High Representative Josep Borrell spoke to Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell held a call with President Milorad Dodik, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina o...

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Unique methodology for improved labor market research in BiH

In order for public employment services to be able to adequately respond to the challenges on the labor market, it is necessary for them to have adequate data on the state of the economy, i.e. to continuously work on the development of their analytical capacities.

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New jobs and quality domestic products are just some of the results of EU4Business project

Thanks to the support they received through EU4Business project funded by the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany, the Visoko-base...

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Blog by HR/VP Josep Borrell: Bosnia and Herzegovina: the migration crisis is far from over

Over the last weeks, we have witnessed a serious humanitarian crisis concerning hundreds of migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The crisis is largely due to the dysfunctioning governance in the country. However, it also reminds us of the urgent need to update our common asylum and migration policy.

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Press release from meeting of Ambassadors with BiH Minister of Security on the extremely concerning migration situation

Ambassador Sattler stated: "The situation is completely unacceptable. Lives and basic human rights of many hundreds of p...

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BiH: Statement by the High Representative Josep Borrell on the migrant situation in Una-Sana Canton

We are witnessing a serious humanitarian situation involving migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ...

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