Development of the Adriatic-Ionian Railway Corridor: Čapljina-Trebinje- Nikšić

The presentation of the project which supports development of the Adriatic-Ionian Railway Corridor, Čapljina-Trebinje-Nikšić, was held on Mond...

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EU Support to development of Tajan Nature Park as attractive tourist destination

A bicycle race in Mitrovići Nature Park, near Zavidovići, on Saturday 14 May officially marked the beginning of the TAJAN (Tourism, Adventure,...

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High Representative/European Commission Vice-President Catherine Ashton visits BiH this Friday

Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, will visit Bosnia and...

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Statement by HR/VP Catherine Ashton at the press point with the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik

The European perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina is tangible and we share your vision of its full membership in the EU. BiH is one of the count...

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Statement by Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, after meeting the BiH Presidency

 Statement by HR/VP Catherine Ashton after meeting the BiH Presidency  

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A first meeting in the framework of the Post-Visa Liberalisation Monitoring Mechanism

A first meeting in the framework of the Post-Visa Liberalisation Monitoring Mechanism took place yesterday May 11 in the premises of the European...

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Public Internal Financial Control is an important EU integration requirement

Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC) means that taxpayers know how their money is actually being spent and can judge whether managers and sta...

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Conference on “Public Internal Financial Control – PIFC“

A conference on public internal financial control (PIFC) at the state level was held in Sarajevo on Wednesday. The key message from the event was...

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Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Slovenia sign agreement towards the Single European Sky

On 5 May Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Slovenia have signed...

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Official launch of the project “Preparation of IPARD sector analyses in Bosnia and Herzegovina“

The project “Preparation of IPARD sector analyses in Bosnia and Herzegovina“ was officially launched yesterday in the European Union Delegati...

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