2009 the year of the Western Balkans

Today the Commission adopted its annual strategy paper for the EU’s enlargement policy. It highlights the role the EU’s enlargement policy pl...

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Key findings of the progress reports on Bosnia and Herzegovina

Following progress in four key areas set out by the EU in 2005, the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) was signed in June 2008. Howeve...

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Ambassador Kourkoulas handed over the 2008 Progress Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina to Chairman Špirić

H.E. Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas handed over 2008 Progress Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina, adopted by the European Commission today, to B...

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Completion of the EU-funded project “Support to BiH Veterinary Office marked in Sarajevo

Final conference of the EU-funded project "Support to the State Veterinary Office (SVO) in BiH" was held in Sarajevo on Wednesday, 05...

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EU Newsletter Br. 4

Delegacija Evropske komisije u Bosni i Hercegovini objavila je novi bilten broj 4. U ovom broju pročitajte više o posjeti BiH komesara Rehna, I...

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EU Newsletter Br. 4

Delegacija Evropske komisije u Bosni i Hercegovini objavila je novi bilten broj 4. U ovom broju pročitajte više o posjeti BiH komesara Rehna, I...

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EU Newsletter No. 4

The European Commission Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina published new edition (No. 4) of its Newsletter. In this issue you can read more abo...

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Ceremonija zatvaranja EU TAC projekta obuke i konsultacija za mala i srednja preduzeća u BiH

 Dr. Johan Hesse, Prvi sekretar i šef Odjela operacija za ekonomsku reformu i prirodne resurse pri Delegaciji Evropske komisije u BiH prisu...

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Ceremonija zatvaranja EU TAC projekta obuke i konsultacija za mala i srednja preduzeća u BiH

 Dr. Johan Hesse, Prvi sekretar i šef Odjela operacija za ekonomsku reformu i prirodne resurse pri Delegaciji Evropske komisije u BiH prisu...

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Dodjeljeni certifikati za preko 40 uposlenika u bh. institucijama po završetku programa obuke iz oblasti fiskalne politike

Ceremonija dodjele certifikata za preko 40 učesnika u programu obuke u okviru projekta podrške fiskalnoj politici BiH ...

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