Statement on the adoption of the BiH Framework Transport Policy 2015-2030 by the BiH Parliament

The Delegation of the European Union to BiH/EU Special Representative Office welcomes the adoption of the 2015-2030 BiH Framework Transport Polic...

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Statement on new Federation BiH Labour Law

A new labour law is an important initiative – not just for the Federation of BiH but for the whole country. It is also an essential part of the...

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EU Floods Recovery Programme Continues to Deliver Results and Improve Services in Maglaj

By unveiling commemorative plaques in the Municipality Building and the Health Care Centre in Maglaj on July 29, the Deputy Head of the EU Delega...

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EU Info Centre presented an exhibition and a competition for young journalists: “Europe for Us”

The exhibition features ten selected projects from throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina implemented with the EU financial support while the competit...

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Joint Statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the adoption of the Reform Agenda in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The adoption of the Reform Agenda by Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities is a crucial step forward for the country's EU i...

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Ambassador Wigemark guests on FTV news

The Head of the EU Delegation and EU Special Representative in BiH, Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark was interviewed by FTV's central news program...

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Strengthening preschool education in six BiH municipalities through EU Floods Recovery Programme

Project „Strengthening capacities and services in local communities to increase preschool enrolment“ is implemented by World Vision and UNICE...

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Ambassador Wigemark welcomes new UN Resident Co-ordinator in BiH

The Head of the EU Delegation and EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, today welcomed the new UN...

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BiH potatoes can be exported to EU as of today

The European Commission Implementing Decision recognising Bosnia and Herzegovina as free from potato ring rot was published on 22 July 2015 in th...

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The Office of the EU Special Representative in BiH supports Kratkofil Plus

For the third year in a row, EUSR is supporting the International film festival Kratkofil Plus, which was held in the Kastel Fortress in Banja Lu...

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