Interview with Ambassador Wigemark for the daily Glas Sprske

The fact that the SAA is entering into force after seven years of suspension is a positive thing. It stipulates contractual relations, in other w...

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“What does the Compact for Growth and Jobs mean?” – in East Sarajevo and Foča

A theme from the events so far is that reforms are possible. Participants are well aware there are some difficult tasks ahead, but the process mu...

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Wigemark: Full commitment to the EU future needed in Bosnia and Herzegovina

We all agree that you, Bosnia and Herzegovina's citizens, have been waiting for results from your authorities for too long...

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Public call for flood recovery assistance aimed at rehabilitation of flood affected housing units in the Brcko District

The assistance will include rehabilitation of housing units in the Brčko District......

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Grants awarded to projects of cross-border cooperation between BiH and Croatia

The launch of the 8 most successful projects which received grants under the 3rd Call for Proposals was officially marked at conference on May 21...

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Ambassador Wigemark met Cardinal Puljic

During the meeting, they both agreed that peace, based on respect for diversity and guaranteed equality is needed in BiH as well as that future o...

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Ambassador Wigemark met with ICMP Director-General Bomberger

Ambassador Wigemark emphasized the importance of resolving the issue of missing persons and ensuring sustainable peace and security in the wider ...

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Warmer classrooms for 230 pupils of elementary school “Novak Pivašević” in Čelinac

The EU also financed the acquisition of furniture, didactic and laboratory equipment as well as sports equipment worth 25,616 EUR...

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Thanks to the EU support, IDDEEA established technical infrastructure required for electronic identification of citizens

The final conference of the EU funded twinning project “Strengthening the Efficiency of the Agency for Identification ...

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EU funded works on reconstruction of Kastel fortress in Banja Luka resume

The aim of this continued EU assistance is restoration and preservation of this endangered fortress, one of the oldest and the most significant c...

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