BiH Directorate for European Integration publishes call for civil society organisations and other interested stakeholders

For the first phase in the implementation of the sectoral approach in IPA II, and in accordance with the formats and pla...

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First sub-project of the Regional Housing Programme in BiH launched

The RHP is a joint initiative of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia with aim to contribute towards resolving the protracted d...

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Joint visit to BiH by Ministers of foreign affairs of Germany and United Kingdom

German Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and his British counterpart, Phillip Hammond, visited Sarajevo on 16 January 2015 to secure sup...

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EU funded equipment for renewable energy sources officially put into operation in Gracanica

Enhancing environmental protection and people's living conditions by using renewable energy sources is the focus of a cross border project betwee...

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EUD/EUSR observes minute of silence following Paris attacks

In memory of all those killed in the armed attacks in Paris on Wednesday 7 January, staff of the EU Delegation to BiH/EU Special Representative O...

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Media operating without fear is essential for healthy democracy

Following the meetings of journalists held in Bosnia and Herzegovina this week, Dr Renzo Daviddi, Charge d'affairs of the EU Delegation to Bosnia...

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Statement in relation to the police raid at

The EU Delegation/EUSR Office stands fully behind media freedom and the responsibility of all to ensure that media in BiH can report independentl...

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Post-flood reconstruction of the Uzinska Bridge in Teslić Municipality completed

The bridge was reconstructed with funds from the European Union and Teslić Municipality...

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EUD/EUSR urges swift action by Cantons to form Federation BiH institutions

We reaffirm the crucial importance of government formation at all levels as a matter of the utmost urgency...

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Council conclusions on Enlargement and Stabilisation and Association Process (excerpts on Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The Council expresses serious concern that the country remains at a standstill in its EU integration process due to a lack of collective politica...

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