Statement on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, 17 May 2014

On occasion of the May 17th, the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), the EU Special Representative to...

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BiH’s film director Tanović to receive EU ‘Prix MEDIA’ at Cannes

Tanović will receive the award from Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner responsible for culture, during a ceremony at the Cannes Film...

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EU supports improving efficiency of public employment bureaus in BiH

Centre for Civil Initiatives (CCI) has started the campaign ‘Posao narodu’ with the aim of raising awareness about unemployment in BiH.

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The EU – BiH Structured Dialogue on Justice and Additional Rule of Law Matters Held in Sarajevo

A plenary meeting of the EU-BiH Structured Dialogue on Justice and Additional Rule of Law Matters was held in Sarajevo on 13 and 14 May 2014...

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Joint Statement of the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina following the 6th Sub-committee meeting on Economic and Financial issues and Statistics

Representatives of the European Commission and the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) met on 13-14 May in Banj...

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Opening of plenary meeting of the EU – BiH Structured Dialogue on Justice and Additional Rule of Law Matters

A plenary meeting of the EU-BiH Structured Dialogue on Justice and Additional Rule of Law Matters was opened in Sarajevo today...

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‘EU and You’ – Connecting BiH undergraduates with European opportunities

Undergraduate students from universities across Bosnia and Herzegovina will have the opportunity during May and June to find out more about EU in...

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BiH Journalists’ Association thematic bulletin on media freedom

Following the publication of the European Commission's guidelines on media freedom, the latest issue of the BiH Journalists' Association bulletin...

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Joint Statement on the Matter of Residence

The European Union Special Representative/Delegation of the European Union, the Embassy of the United States and the Office of the High Represent...

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Euro Basket Cup tournament continued in Tuzla

The Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU Info Centre are marking Europe Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina with numer...

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