IC technologies strengthen fight against all forms of crime

On 20 and 21 November a two day conference was held in Sarajevo as part of the EU’s Support to the Law Enforcement Project on the ‘Role of In...

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BiH needs to increase efforts in establishing structures for rural development

In the area of rural development, establishing a system of coordination, adoption and harmonization of laws and regulations, and the adoption of ...

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Improving technical conditions for more efficiency in prosecuting war crimes

The East Sarajevo District Court became one of 11 courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which as a part of the project "Support to the BiH Judiciary"...

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EU Del/EUSR hosts presentation on BiH ID cards in future e-services

Today (14 November 2013), the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina/EU Special Representative Office together with the Agency for Identificatio...

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EU continues to assists animal disease control and eradication in BiH

The autumn campaign on Oral Vaccination of Foxes in Bosnia and Herzegovina began with a Press conference and a Seminar on Rabies Control and Erad...

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EU and BiH working together for better social inclusion of Roma

Members of the Roma community remain among the most marginalised in Bosnia and Herzegovina...

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Best practices of Community programmes for youth presented in Laktasi

The presentation of best practices of community programmes for youth organised by the EU funded project “EU support to the coordination and imp...

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Gender Conference opens in Camp Butmir

On 13 November, the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC) in cooperation with EUFOR opened a conference on Gender in the Security Sect...

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The Plenary Session of the EU-BiH Structured Dialogue on Justice commences in Banja Luka

A two-day Plenary Session of the EU-BiH Structured Dialogue on Justice commenced in Banja Luka today in the RS Government building...

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