EU Del/EUSR hosts presentation on BiH ID cards in future e-services

Today (14 November 2013), the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina/EU Special Representative Office together with the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IDDEEA) held a presentation for EU staff and officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the possibilities the BiH ID cards have in terms of e-identification and e-Sign.
The session was opened by Mr Holger Schroeder, Head of Operations in the EU Delegation and the presentation was carried out by Mr Sinisa Macan, IDDEEA director with associates.
Since 1 March 2013, a new generation of biometric Identification Cards are being issued. The new ID cards include electronic identity elements in view of future e-services.   The European Commission’s 2013 Progress Report for Bosnia and Herzegovina took note of this as progress in the chapter on information society services. It is expected that in the near future, institutions and administrations throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina will start to use e-services by using e-cards. For the sake of cost efficiency, the option to use the existing new ID cards shall be carefully explored.
Senior Programme Officers from the relevant state institutions and entity and Brcko district coordinators were invited to the session where the audience received a presentation on what e-identification and E-Sign stand for, how they can be used for e-services and how they can be of potential benefit for citizens and services providers.